Learn To Play Guitar Chords F Sharp - Stay Tuned Guitar (2024)

F sharp is aMajor triad, it has a happy and optimistic sound. The F# Guitar chords can be complicated at first, but once you get it under your fingers you’ll be ready to use it in your favorite songs. Included in this article are chord diagrams of multiple ways to play, and then a more in depth analysis of the guitar chords f sharp.

Learn To Play Guitar Chords F Sharp - Stay Tuned Guitar (1)

Table of Contents 🔎

F# Chord Theory

Before trying to play the chord, you should understand a few things about how it works. Here is a breakdown of the theory behind the F# Chord.

  • F# is a Major Triad – it has 3 notes, F# A# and C#

  • A major triad is built by stacking the intervals Major 3rd and minor 3rd.

  • All major triads have the root, major third, and perfect 5th.

  • No matter where you play F# A# and C# on the guitar, you are playing an F# chord.

  • If you were playing in the key of F# major, your diatonic chords would be:

F# maj, G#min, A#min, BMaj, C#Maj, D#min, and E#o

Related: G Major Chord

How To Play F# Major

Here is themost commonway to play the F# chord.


Learn To Play Guitar Chords F Sharp - Stay Tuned Guitar (2)

To play F# Major, follow these steps carefully:

  • Place your index finger on the 2nd fret of the 6th string. Barre all strings on the 2nd fret.

  • Place your ring finger on the 4th fret of the 5th string.

  • Place your middle finger on the 3rd fret of the 3rd string.

  • Strum the notes. Listen closely and make sure all strings ring out clearly. Look at your fingers to troubleshoot. You may need to make adjustments to your grip.


Learn To Play Guitar Chords F Sharp - Stay Tuned Guitar (3)

To make a major chord minor, all you need to do is lower the 3rd a half step! Just add water!The only difference here is that you don’t use your middle finger!

  • Place your index finger on the 2nd fret of the 6th string. Barre all strings on the 2nd fret.

  • Place your ring finger on the 4th fret of the 5th string.

  • Place your pinky on the 4th fret of the 4th string.

  • Strum the notes. Listen closely and make sure all strings ring out clearly. Look at your fingers to troubleshoot. You may need to make adjustments to your grip.

Alternate Ways To Play

Maybe the most common way sounds too low on the guitar, maybe it isn’t very efficient for the song you are playing, or maybe it was a bit too difficult.

Here is another way you can play an F# chord. This way is super easy and sounds awesome!


Learn To Play Guitar Chords F Sharp - Stay Tuned Guitar (4)

This one is simple! Just bar the 4th, 3rd and 2nd strings on the 11th fret!


Learn To Play Guitar Chords F Sharp - Stay Tuned Guitar (5)
  • Place your 1st finger on the 10th fret of the 2nd string.

  • Place your 2nd finger on the 11th fret of the 4th string.

  • Place your 3rd finger on the 11th fret of the 3rd string.

F Sharp Barre Chords

The most common way to play (listed above) is actually a barre chord. But, there is one more F# barre chord shape that starts on the 5th string. Here is how to play it:


Learn To Play Guitar Chords F Sharp - Stay Tuned Guitar (6)
  • Place your index finger on the 9th fret on the 5th string and barre.

  • Place your middle finger on the 11th fret of the 4th string

  • Place your ring finger on the 11th fret of the 3rd string

  • Place your pinky on the 11th fret of the 2nd string.

  • Strum all the chords and listen carefully to make sure all chord tones ring out.


The shape in minor is similar but not quite the same:

Learn To Play Guitar Chords F Sharp - Stay Tuned Guitar (7)
  • Place your index finger on the 9th fret of the 5th string and barre.

  • Place your ring finger on the 11th fret of the 4th string.

  • Place your pinky on the 11th fret of the 3rd string.

  • Place your middle finger on the 10th fret of the 2nd string.

F# Triads

Practicing your triads is the first step to learning chords on the guitar. Here are someroot positiontriad shapes in F#!


Learn To Play Guitar Chords F Sharp - Stay Tuned Guitar (8)
  • Place your 1st finger on the 2nd fret of the 2nd string.

  • Place your 2nd finger on the 3rd fret of the 3rd string.

  • Place your 3rd finger on the 4th fret of the 4th string.


Learn To Play Guitar Chords F Sharp - Stay Tuned Guitar (9)
  • Place your 1st finger on the 3rd fret of the 2nd AND 3rd strings.

  • Place your 3rd finger on the 5th fret of the 4th string.

Which Keys Have An F# Chord In Them

The Diatonic Chords in aMajor Keyare:

I ii iii IV V vi viio


The following Major Keys include the chord F# Maj:

  • F# Major – F#, G#m, A#m, B, C#, D#m, E#dim

  • B Major – B,C#m, D#m,E, F#, G#m,A#dim

  • C# Major – C#, D#m, E#m, F#, G#, A#m, B#dim


The Diatonic Chords in aMinor Keyare:

i iioIII iv V VI viio

The Following Minor Keys include the chord F# Maj:

  • B min – B min, C# dim, D Maj, E min, F# Maj, G Maj, A dim

  • D# min – D#m, E#dim, F# Maj, G#m, A#Maj, B, C# dim

  • A# min – A#m, B#dim, C#, D#m, E#m, F# Maj, G#

Frequently Asked Questions

Is F# the same as G flat?

Yes, F# and Gb areenharmonic equivalents.Meaning they sound exactly the same and use the same notes.

To understand this, play F# on your guitar, then play Gb on your guitar, what do you know?! They are the same note!

What notes are in key of F#

F# has 6 sharps in the key signature, so the notes in F# are:F# G# A# B C# D# E#


Guitar Chords B minor

Guitar Chords B flat

Guitar Chords F Major 7

Guitar Chord C#m (C Sharp Minor)


Now you know 4 different ways to play F# maj and 4 different ways to play F# minor. You’re a rock star already!

Not only that, but we learned that a major chord is built on a root, 3rd and perfect 5th.

To build a major triad on F# you would need the notes F# A# and C#.

You might find the F# major chord in any of the following keys: F# maj, B Maj, C# Maj, D# min, B min, or A# min.

Have fun playing the F# chord on guitar!

Learn To Play Guitar Chords F Sharp - Stay Tuned Guitar (2024)
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